- 自由主义者
- 不可知论
- 建构主义
- 认知论话题上,支持建构主义
- 受到 Seymour Papert、Marvin Minsky 、蒙台梭利、皮亚杰 的影响
- “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.” – 罗素
- 智慧的本质是求真 道德的本质是宽容 – 罗素
近期在计算机方面,主要对这些感兴趣: Etoys/Squeak、Dynamicland、Croquet、Sketchpad、lively、MicroBlocks/Snap!、syndicate-lang,将它们视为软件工程的避难所。
- 自学者,未受过正规计算机教育,上过1,2节的C语言课,因无法忍受课堂的陈腐乏味,以翘课告终。成长于Unix/开源/黑客文化,期间受过 LISP 文化的影响,之后坚定加入 Smalltalk/个人计算 阵营。
- 视 Alan Kay 为领路人,受其影响之深,如何言说都不为过。努力成为 Alan Kay 意义上的计算机科学家。
- 对计算机抱有跟当前领域不同的愿景, 追随 个人计算(Personal Computing) 的理想, 致力于推动计算的民主化, 希望成为 Alan Kay、John Maloney、Daniel Ingalls 和 Bret Victor 的后继者
- 接纳 Alan Kay “计算机科学尚未存在”/“计算机革命不是已经结束,而是尚未开始” 的观点(point of view)之后,被一种巨大的荒芜感所冲击,之后却感受到一种漫无边际的自由。
- 目前与 John Maloney 在 MicroBlocks 项目上共事
- 通过跟 John 的协作, 阅读他的代码, 以及在他的指点下, 在写了 10 年代码之后, 第一次觉得真正学会了编程。
- 在软件工程上,早期职业生涯的规划是成为一名系统架构师。现在的兴趣是探索个人计算。Lounsen 翻译并与我分享的《梦想机器》 是我在这个方向的向导.
- 梦想乡居十年,开个乡间小卖铺,在人潮熙攘的小店里,建造Dynamicland,供公众使用。
曾在一个非营利组织里工作。追随 苏格拉底、蒙台梭利、 Seymour Papert、 Alan Kay、Bret Victor 的理想
- 将参与 CodeLab 的工作视为人生最可贵的经历之一,在这里,我开始自由思考,追随理念,积攒勇气 ;学会信任同伴,真诚讨论,寻求共识。如果没有 Jackson 的慷慨资助,这些事情都无法发生;如果没有身边这些同伴,我无法独自走远。
- 除了创伤, 未从所受的应试教育中收获任何东西. 受教育程度等同幼儿园.
- 受教于开放互联网,热爱并捍卫它,也受教于图书馆。
- 尤其是, 受教于维基百科、Github、Hacker News、ChatGPT; 苏格拉底、柏拉图(反面)、罗素、洛克、休谟、维特根斯坦、波普尔、哈耶克、Alan Kay、John Maloney、Bret Victor
- 老家近武夷山脉, 山野田间长大, 喜欢户外运动和乡野生活
爱周末流浪,喜欢有趣的人- 交游
- 视 真实、勇敢、正直 为可贵的品质
- 喜欢徒步, 爬山,骑行, 编程,读书,写作,滑雪
在南京开了个青旅,周末定期到那儿组织电影放映活动,目前跑到广州折腾一个非营利组织- 在玩
电子乐滑雪 近期旅居三亚,平日在图书馆里远程办公,周末或在山野徒步,或沿海岸骑行- 目前住在昆明玉龙湾, 喜欢这儿的山风/阳光, 赶集/爬山, 奶白酒和大草莓
《理想国》 《三体》《人类简史/未来简史/今日简史》《自私的基因》《浮生六记》《无爱纪》《红楼梦》《天龙八部》《武林外史》《挪威的森林》《小王子》《小飞侠彼得潘》《湘行散记》《哈克贝里·芬历险记》《月亮和六便士》《刀锋》《巨匠与杰作》《别闹了,费曼先生》《送你一颗子弹》《代码大全》《逻辑的引擎》《Head first programming》《Unix 编程艺术》《通灵芯片》《大教堂与集市》《精通正则表达式》《笨办法学 C》《黑客与画家》《黑客: 计算机革命的英雄》《ROS 机器人编程实践》《计算机程序的构造和解释》《计算机科学概论(第 12 版)》《终生幼儿园》《卓有成效的管理者》《非营利组织的管理》《人生的意义》《人生的智慧》《杀死一只知更鸟》《撒哈拉的故事》《黄金时代》《唐诗三百首》《禅与摩托车维修艺术》《万历十五年》《爆裂》《Mindstorms》《The Little Schemer》《鲁迅全集》《蒙台梭利早期教育法》《心智社会》《创新者的窘境》《一个陌生女人的来信》《猜想与反驳》《无尽的探索: 卡尔·波普尔自传》《Byte Magazine Volume 06 Number 08 - Smalltalk》 《Smalltalk Bluebook》 《理解媒介》《幸福之路》(罗素) 《柏拉图对话录》《时间机器:施乐帕克与计算机时代的黎明》《编码》《费曼物理学讲义》《建筑的永恒之道》《睡鼠说: 个人电脑之迷幻往事》《游戏设计艺术》《微积分的力量》《WebGL 编程指南》 《程序设计方法》《x的奇幻之旅》《真名实姓》《人有人的用处》《政府论(下)》《The Cuis-Smalltalk Book》《Squeak by Example (5.3 Edition)》 《民主新论》《Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams》《哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫》《走出帝制》《梦想机器(Lounsen译)》 《思考, 快与慢》《悉达多》《国家为什么会失败》《最好的告别》《Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch)》
- 喜欢的文章:
- 中村修二: 东亚教育浪费了太多生命
- User Interface: A Personal View
- A Computer for Children of All Ages
- dynamicland-501c3-narrative
- Software: Art, Engineering, Mathematics, or Science?
- The Early History Of Smalltalk
- Personal Dynamic Media
- Revealing the Elephant: The Use and Misuse of Computers in Education
- The Center of “Why?”
- Alan Kay: How?
- Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
- (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) (What is the best way to learn Lisp in 2020?)
- Learnable Programming
- OLPC Memo 5: Education and Psychology
- A World of Active Objects for Work and Play
- Back to the future: the story of Squeak, a practical Smalltalk written in itself
- Croquet – A Collaboration System Architecture – Morphic: The Self User Interface Framework
- Squeak Etoys Authoring & Media
- Kedama: A GUI-based Interactive Massively Parallel Particle Programming System
- How to do what you love
- How To Take Smart Notes: 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and Writing
- ZeroMQ#Fixing the World
- Steps Toward The Reinvention of Programming
- What did Alan Kay mean by, “Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed”?
- End-user programming
- Simple Made Easy
- The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet
- All Stories Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful
- Exploring a Creative, Safe Introduction to Machine Learning
- Man-Computer Symbiosis
- Conceptual Integrity
- bitcoin is time
- Eight of Literature’s Most Powerful Inventions—and the Neuroscience Behind How They Work
- Bitcoin as Battery
- When AIs Start Hacking
- Imagineering in a Box
- Introduction to Operating Systems
- Maps of Matter
- Inventing Fundamental New Computing Technologies
- Croquet Programming 1.0B
- TheCuisBook
- Competitive programming is useless
- The Future of Programming
- SICP Python
- 7 Steps For Inventing The Future
- Sutherland - The Ultimate Display
- Sutherland-Sketchpad
- Why AR Will Win - And Why it Matters How it Will Win
- The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius
- Debug Mode is the Only Mode
- Riding the Writing Wave
- SqueakJS A Modern and Practical Smalltalk That Runs in Any Browser
- A pioneer’s return to the homestead
- Lisp Quotes
- A few words on Doug Engelbart
- A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design
- Computer Software
- Computer Science was always supposed to be taught to everyone, and it wasn’t about getting a job: A historical perspective
- The Evolution of Smalltalk
- Avoiding Internet Centralization
- Great engineering teams focus on milestones instead of projects
- Stories, Structure, Abstraction and Games
- Turing Complete User
- End-to-end principle
- Why We Love Lisp
- Pay attention to WebAssembly
- Why I Quit Tech and Became a Therapist
- Deep Listening At The Recurse Center
- Should web browsers have stuck to being document viewers?
- Smalltalk: A White Paper Overview
- Twenty Things to do with a Computer
- The Internet Was Designed With a Narrow Waist
- Open Leadership Training Series Best Practices Working Open
- Steve Wozniak: Steve Jobs wasn’t a natural-born leader, he worked to ‘develop his communication’ skills
- Evolving User Interfaces From Within Self-supporting Programming Environments
- MVC XEROX PARC 1978-79
- Photography is not Objective, Art is a Set of Choices
- An Introduction to Morphic: The Squeak User Interface Framework
- Why Educational Technology Has Failed Schools
- The Lisp Curse
- Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful
- Fabrik A Visual Programming Environment
- Entrepreneurship
- A Hacker’s Case For Crypto
- #965: Primer on Whitehead’s Process Philosophy as a Paradigm Shift & Foundation for Experiential Design
- Lisp, Smalltalk, and the Power of Symmetry
- Hume’s Real Riches
- How Apple Invented The Future (and the iPad) in 1986
- Unlocking the Metaverse: New Opportunities in Games Infrastructure
- He Dropped Out to Become a Poet. Now He’s Won a Fields Medal.
- Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards
- Object-Oriented Game Programming: The Behavior System
- Collaborative AR:Comparing Approaches
- Self-Dialogue as a Journaling Strategy
- No more “Insight Porn”
- Smalltalk and exploratory programming
- Squeak bons mots
- Shadama: A Particle Simulation Programming Environment for Everyone
- You thought you bought software – all you bought was a lie
- How to Travel
- Starting a Business Around GPT-3 is a Bad Idea
- Personal programming and the object computer
- Scientists Increasingly Can’t Explain How AI Works
- Niches are Overrated
- Write Like You Talk
- On repl-driven programming
- Little Languages Are The Future Of Programming
- Socrates on the Forgetfulness that Comes with Writing
- The Miracle of become:
- Why don’t software development methodologies work?
- Where Did Personal Computing Go Wrong: The Abandonment of User Empowerment, The Rise of “Big Platforms,” and Solutions
- Brad Cox
- Why I’m Building Tools for Humanity
- Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People
- Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good.
- Privacy (Part 1): One of the Most Fundamental Human Rights, Yet Constantly Under Threat
- Marvin Minsky And The Ultimate TinkerToy
- How To Be Successful
- How bioelectricity could regrow limbs and organs, with Michael Levin (Ep. 112)
- You don’t need to work on hard problems
- Immanuel Kant—What can we know?
- the Waning Days of the Craft
- Suddenly, I Understand Software
- More people should write
- How to Start Google
- (the software crisis)
- Tcl the Misunderstood
- Copying is the way design works
- Defense of Lisp macros
- The Computer for the 21st Century
- Design Patterns, Smalltalk, and the Lost Art of Reading Code
- Why is the Speed of Light So Fast? (Part 1)
- Your life is not a story: why narrative thinking holds you back
- With AI, the Future of Augmented Reality is in Your Ears
- The Deep History of Your Apps: Steve Jobs, NeXTSTEP, and Early Object-Oriented Programming
- Technologies for Lifelong Kindergarten
- Generative AI and Creative Learning: Concerns, Opportunities, and Choices
- That’s Not an Abstraction, That’s Just a Layer of Indirection
- Does current AI represent a dead end?
- Seymour Papert: A Critique of Technocentrism in Thinking About the School of the Future
- How AI-assisted coding will change software engineering: hard truths
- I’ve acquired a new superpower
- How I program with LLMs
- I am (not) a Failure: Lessons Learned From Six (and a half) Failed Startup Attempts
- No Silver Bullet—Essence and Accident in Software Engineering
- Advice for a friend who wants to start a blog
- Your phone is why you don’t feel sexy
- Systemic Existential Risks from Incremental AI Development
- We need network societies, not network states
- Building personal software with Claude
- Reality has a surprising amount of detail
与计算机相关的文章多在 Bret Victor 整理的这份列表里:worrydream refs里找到的, 这份列表可能囊括了计算机历史上许多重要的想法。
- 喜欢的演讲:
- A powerful idea about ideas
- Doing with Images Makes Symbols
- Inventing on Principle
- The Future of Programming
- Stop Drawing Dead Fish
- Seeing Spaces
- How to Invent the Future I
- Seminar with Alan Kay on Object Oriented Programming
- The Lively Kernel
- The computer revolution hasnt happened yet
- Alternate Reality Kit by Randall Smith at Xerox PARC 1986 (VPRI-0131)
- 2016 Dan Ingalls - Pronto: Toward a Live Designer’s Notebook
- Dan Ingalls: Object-Oriented Programming
- Dan Ingalls - 40 Years Of Fun With Computers
- Your Tour of HyperCard (1991) Apple Computer
- “Stop Writing Dead Programs” by Jack Rusher
- Full interview: “Godfather of artificial intelligence” talks impact and potential of AI
- long demo1 John Maloney Introducing GP
- Hypercard in the World
- Bret Victor - The Humane Representation of Thought
- Dynamicland intro
- Nintendo - Putting Play First
- Program to learn the power of creative coding
文章作者 种瓜
上次更新 2020-03-31