Bringing GPT-4o to Snap!

中文版本 Preface I previously wrote an article discussing the AI assistant in graphical programming environment. The experiment at that time showed some interesting possibilities, but it was not practical. With the release of GPT-4o, especially the improvement of multimodal capabilities (audio stream and video stream APIs will be released soon), the AI assistant (or tutor) in graphical programming environment has become truly attractive: you can communicate with

Snap! 中的 GPT-4o

English version 前言 之前写过一篇文章讨论图形化编程中的 AI 助手 , 当时的实验展示了一些有趣的可能性, 但实用性并不高。 随着 GPT-4o 的发布, 尤其是多模态能力的提升(不

Snap! 中的硬件模拟器

前言 @Bingo 昨晚提到: 想做一个虚拟仿真项目, 用 Python 测试了一下可行性, 感觉用 Snap! 实现是否更简单? @Bingo 目前使用的是 wokwi/avr8js, wokwi/avr8js 使用 wokwi-elements 来呈现硬件设备的外观(基于 SVG

Python function for Snap!

中文版本 The JavaScript function of Snap! is simple, flexible, and powerful. I want to emulate it to build a Python function. Preface Usage scenarios With the Python function, we can: Use the vast number of third-party libraries in the Python ecosystem(opencv-python, numpy…) Use various algorithms that have been implemented by the Python community(such as TheAlgorithms) We can both access the vast

Snap! 中的 Python 解释器

English version 前言 Snap! 的 JavaScript function 简单, 灵活且强大, 我想模仿它构建 Python function。 我们之前在这篇文章里, 基于 CodeLab Adapter 构建了一个 Python function, 但我一直更想要一个除了浏览器

mediapipe in Snap!

中文版本 About mediapipe MediaPipe Solutions provides a suite of libraries and tools for you to quickly apply artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques in your applications.– Github/MediaPipe Introduce mediapipe to Snap! Goals We hope that all the work of using mediapipe will be completed entirely in the Snap! IDE! This has the following benefits: No need to update the Snap! platform, no developer intervention required,

在 Snap! 中使用 mediapipe 库

English version 介绍 mediapipe MediaPipe 提供了一套库和工具,供用户在应用程序中快速应用人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 技术 – Github/MediaPipe 这些灵活的工具构建在 TensorFlow Lite 之上 – mediapipe homepage Mediapipe 提供了一系列预训

调试 Snap! 程序

前言 调试比编写程序要困难两倍。如果你在编程时使出了所有聪明,那你要如何调试它呢? – 《The Elements of Programming Style》 调试功能是 Snap! 相比于 Scratch 的最大改进之


读钱穆此书, 我的获益之处: 学到中国历代政治制度变迁的许多史实。至于本书关于得失的讨论, 我深深赞同胡适在日记里写的: 保守的趋势甚明,而拥护极权