#目的 share something interesting and geek


zerorpc is a flexible RPC implementation based on zeromq and messagepack. Service APIs exposed with zerorpc are called “zeroservices”.


A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.


Six provides simple utilities for wrapping over differences between Python 2 and Python 3. It is intended to support codebases that work on both Python 2 and 3 without modification. six consists of only one Python file, so it is painless to copy into a project.


If you can get your software to work in a docker container, then this module will make it work in Python


An API client for docker written in Python

$ bash-handbook

  • streams:重定向的问题这里说清楚啦,python中的log stream,原理上会被run pyhton时的系统设置重定向到日志


See what a program does before deciding whether you really want it to happen.


Let’s Big Data. Hue is an open source Web interface for analyzing data with Hadoop and Spark.


ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts


Facebook PathPicker is a simple command line tool that solves the perpetual problem of selecting files out of bash output.


the Chinese NLP full stack toolkit


Parsing HTML at the command line


Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh)